Save the date for our next River Clean up event on Sunday March 27th
Kayakers, families, walkers and walkers with dogs are all very much needed where stand up paddlers can’t access. We will need volunteers to assist with rubbish sorting so please get in touch if you can help.
Discounted Paddle board hire for experienced paddlers will be available. Boards will be equipped with bags, gloves and other implements to assist with rubbish collection. Click here to book.
These events are rewarding, educational and enjoyable. We’d love you to take part, meet some like minded people and have some fun along the way. The outcome is always an eyeopener, you’ll be amazed at the amount of litter we retrieve at each event and once seen – you can never unsee!
Sunday 27th March 2022
9.00 am – 11.00 am
Sandy Beach Reserve, Bassendean. (End of West Road). We will explain the target areas and what to do with the rubbish you have collected. Look out for the SUP Tonic flag.
Other Info
- Free sausage sizzle & soft drink for all volunteers from 10.00 am onwards
- BYO gloves and long tongs. Gloves available on the day if required.
- BYO Paddle board or kayak or hire one of our SUPS.
- Rubbish bags will be provided
- Volunteers required for rubbish sorting. Please get in touch if you can help.
- Hot spots include under bridges, café locations, sports and recreation buildings, fishing spots, playgrounds, ablution blocks, along fences, carparks etc. All rubbish in these areas near river foreshores have the potential to end up in the rivers and estuaries.
- Please indicate your intention to participate so we have an idea of numbers to cater for on the day.
- Wear something high Vis please
- Paddlers wear booties for your feet if tramping through vegetation/ river banks etc.
- Buddy up if you are a beginner paddler. Working in pairs can make it easier to pick up rubbish from hard to get places.
- Wear gloves
- Be mindful of sharp objects
- Paddle on the Starboard side (land closest to your right side)
- Remain on your knees in the shallows. Don’t over reach and compromise your balance
- Be aware of other watercraft and boat wakes
- Wear sun protection
- Walkers please wear solid footwear
- Hydrate
- Take phone in water proof bag in the event of an emergency.
- The event will be cancelled if not safe due to extreme weather conditions but not if light rain is forecast.
- This is a social community event. Your safety is your responsibility so please be mindful
Here’s what we’d LOVE you to do on the day!
- Hook up with a buddy and work together. Sometimes retrieving rubbish can be tricky and the company is fun!
- Check in to the events page and post a photo of the rubbish you have collected. We want to create as much awareness as possible.
- Take your time, some areas may have more rubbish than others so don’t feel you have to rush to cover distance. Only do what you feel comfortable doing.
- Check the edges of the river bank and beaches which means you may have to step onto land or paddle close to the shore. Rubbish will accumulate here.
- Look for the small things like fish hooks, bottle tops etc. If you find a penny pick it up….
- If you come across fishing line that is too tangled to release, take a photo and note the location so it can reported to the relevant authorities.
- Bring your rubbish back so we can sort into piles for logging, recycling and/or disposal.
- Stay around afterwards for a social gathering from 12.00 pm and free Sausage sizzle.
Thanks for caring about our precious river and wildlife!
SUP Tonic Team!