SUP TONIC - How it all began
Sup Tonic started back in 2015 as a recreational SUP group and quickly evolved to become an accredited SUP School and members club.
I bought my first paddle board from Gumtree in 2014 on Christmas day. “She” was a Hobbie 12.6 x 28 inches and I absolutely loved her. My first paddle was easy – I was hooked. My second paddle was a very different story

My love of paddle boarding was instant. There was no stopping it. When you are this passionate about something, it’s impossible to push it away. It soon consumed my every thought and took priority over all other aspects of my life.
I clearly remember the days when all I could think about was getting home from work so I could go for a paddle. The mad dash at the end of the day from the car to the house, frantically getting out of work clothes and into paddling gear so I could get to the river before it got too dark.
I can’t describe the pull that SUP had over me. At this time, I had a secure job as a property manager and was about to launch my own business called Astute Real Estate Services. Just as I was about to press the go button, it all came to a grinding halt. It didn’t feel right, it didn’t look right and I had to trust the persisting background voice in my head that kept saying – you’re going the wrong way.
So… I took a leap of faith and literally jumped head first into the world of SUP.

running a business – nothing was in my favour at all. All I really had was sheer will, grit and a vision. And when someone told me that I wasn’t cut out for it – well that was the best thing that could have ever happened.
The mountain doesn’t get any smaller – you just get fitter and wiser! But the one thing that has enabled SUP Tonic to endure more than anything is passion and commitment. That’s a true success that no amount of money or luck can ever provide. Then along comes a bunch of like-minded people who make the magic happen! That’s how it works.
So - onwards and upwards. Who knows what's around the corner but it's bound to be challenging and never ever boring. The next chapter is about to begin.
SUP Life - Way of Life