As the seasons change, so do we!
You can almost smell the change in the air and whilst we’ve had one of the wettest winters for a long time there is a hint of spring just around the corner. The transition from Winter to Spring brings a sense of invigoration and opportunity to change, grow and reconnect with each other which I’m sure many of us are looking forward to. I’ve enjoyed the wild wet weather and I must give a big shout out to all the paddlers who embraced the chilly, wet conditions this year and continued to get out on the river!
So - what’s been happening!
We had a very successful SUP Camp in Moore River, Guilderton back in June. It’s hard to believe it was 3 months ago. One of the biggest concerns for our paddlers regarding this trip was the weather. We had rough conditions during the week leading up to the camp but despite this we didn’t have one cancellation. The weather gods blessed us with picture perfect conditions for our main paddle event, it was rather surreal all things considered and we could not have asked for more. The team did an amazing job ensuring that the weekend ran smoothly, HUGE thanks again to Tim Mulford, Annemarie Pankhurst, Simon Windsor, Kevin Humphries and Rod Gilchrist. I certainly learnt a lot from the experience and look forward to scheduling another SUP camp soon. We have some awesome destinations in the wings so stay posted for details to be announced not too far away!
Check out the link here for full details
Our regular sessions remained in place over winter. The Partisan (brekky) run along with Wednesday training and SUP Fit continued. To mix things up we threw in a themed “Partisan in Pajamas” event to celebrate the start of winter. Everyone turned up in their PJ’s and dressing gowns for a really fun event and a big thanks to the Partisan for letting us sit at the table!! Ok so pyjamas or pajamas?? Well, apparently both are correct but I trust there will be a few opinions out there – go!
Partisan in Pajamas
We sent through another round of orders for SUP Shirts and Hoodies! Thanks to everyone who ordered and ordered seconds and thirds! They are not ready yet but it took a while to get things sorted on my end – my apologies but they shouldn't be too far way now!
We had two events scheduled in July paddling from Middle Swan Reserve to AP Hinds Reserve, Bayswater. The first one was awesome and particularly special for first timers Jenny Payet, Naomi Hornsby, Debbie Robinson and Annemarie Pankhurst. With a determined mindset and encouragement from the paddling crew, they all achieved personal goals! I’m proud of everyone, absolutely everyone for being so inspiring and encouraging towards each other. You are all true legends.
The second run was cancelled due to uncertainty regarding safety because of the floods. It was a hard call to make but the right call, I think. With water running that fast and the launch area including the carpark being totally underwater, the only way to get out (we think) would have been to actually paddle through the car park and negotiate between the trees – a risk this time around we were not prepared to take – maybe next time!
The bucket list challenge is done and dusted!
Back in 2018 I wanted to paddle from Middle Swan to Freo (approx 42 kms). It was going to be a “Dawn to Dusk” challenge. In 2019 Kelly Flaherty and I started training for it. We paddled weekly increments of 10km, then 15km, then 24 then…. both of us bombed out with injuries etc and then things just kept getting in the way. This year however, taking advantage of the fast water, it was pretty much a spontaneous decision to have a crack at it. So, on Wednesday 28th July 2021 Debbie Robinson, Rod Gilchrist and I actually did it. Faye Harper was a legend giving up her day, running around after us from beginning to end! It wasn’t without some challenges and mishaps, (sorry what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas) but one day over a beer or two the big fish stories might come out! One thing I can say – don’t take anything for granted, not even a well deserved pub meal at the end!
All in all, there were no bells and whistles, just another day, just another paddle but in saying that I am proud. Not a bad effort from three recreational paddlers without special preparation! Woohoo to us and may we do it all again next year!
The one that didn't happen!
This is ongoing maintenance. As a community and as individuals. The battle with litter in our waterways is never ending but with constant effort and awareness hopefully we can see positive results, less injured wildlife, less water pollution, improved responsibility and ultimately peace of mind knowing that we have the power to reverse the damaging effects of environmental pollution.
It’s everyone’s job and many hands make light work but it does start with our personal choices from what we choose to buy, to how we dispose of it and seeing the bigger picture. A big shout out to the crew that continually help out at our quarterly events and to Keep Australia Beautiful WA for carrying out the auditing process. The next date will be announced soon.
We have some pretty groovy chicks with sticks making some fabulous blankets for a fund raiser project with proceeds going to WA Seabird Rescue. I wish to reiterate that WASR DOES NOT receive any government funding towards costs needed to run their rescue missions. When I found this out I thought maybe our group could help and as a result we have a permit to fundraise which gives more meaning and purpose to what we do. Check out the link for WASR here to see the amazing work they do!
We can’t wait to start showcasing some of the ladies’ work and we’ll be hitting the community up to purchase tickets as soon as our permit is allowed to take effect. If you are interested in selling tickets in your community, school or organization please get in touch with me via email or call to have a chat! The project will run over the next 12 months so by the end of the year we will have a great selection of blankets to raffle for the next winter. Also, if you’d like join our group, please let me know – most of us are learning to crochet and the beauty of this project is that it is community focused using donated and recycled yarn. Any donated yarn would also be greatly appreciated as the purpose is to use as much recycled material as possible.
The blanket shown below was a personal project crocheted by one one of our members Shirley Ingham. As you can see a lot of time and work goes into these gorgeous hand made blanktes and if this is anything to go by some very lucky raffle winners will be nice and cosy next winter.
What was previously known as the Avon challenge (final 15km leg) is coming up this Sunday 15th August. We all wish Kelly Flaherty, Debbie Robinson and Tim Mulford the best of luck and I reckon a lot of the crew will be cheering you guys on from start to finish! The conditions are looking favorable with a light ESE wind but don’t hold me to it! Check out Paddle WA's link if you'd still like to enter - not sure if you can still register though, check it out.
This was Kelly and Tim back in 2019! Good luck guys and have fun!
This is approaching fast but there is still time to sign up for a spot! We’re heading to a big lake this time and not to take anything away from Guilderton but we are allowed camp fires at night – YAY!!
Being our first camp with dogs is SUP-er exciting and unique! I’m having visions of the antics, the cuteness, the fun and adventures we’re all going to have - we can’t wait!
We’ve already done two reccy trips to check out walking trails, camp sites, launch locations and it’s going to be great! The team at Lake Brockman have been very accommodating and the crew from Moore River will be doing it all again to make for a superbly well-run weekend!
For all the details check out the link here or contact Maree for a chat!
It's happening again - details are nearly ready and we'll post an event page with all the info in the next few days! Back to how we like to do things - simple! Stay posted!
I hope to be running full throttle in October with the usual sessions including SUP Hire, Pups on Sups, Twilight, Group Bookings, Sunday Guided Paddle and many more cool ideas to bring to you!
Till then enjoy the remaining winter days – don’t wish it away, the flies will be upon us soon enough!!
Stay well!
SUP Tonic Team!