Keep it Simple
I had a conversation with a stranger today and it got me thinking about my life so far.
For as long as I can remember I have always been at odds with the world, not quite fitting anywhere in but at the same time felt safer on my own. That’s just me. But I’m also a passionate person! It scares some people and Mum always used to say “you’re a typical Aries”. “A free spirit that can’t be controlled” and rightly so!!
As a kid, I fantasised about running away to have an adventure. I’d imagine packing basic supplies like matches, tins of spaghetti, a blanket and I’d build a cubby out of pieces of tin found in the bush and tree branches to hide my secret location. I’d take a pen and paper so I could write notes and leave clues for people looking for me so they didn’t worry. I LOVED Enid Blyton books. The Secret Seven, and The Famous five and got lost in their adventures. Even today I can watch Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and my absolute favourite “Merlin” over and over again! I just love adventures and magic!
It’s funny how life unfolded. From the age of nineteen I went bush, then landed on Rottnest Island, then back-packed around the world, back to the bush and this went on for a decade. At the age of thirty I had a reality check. OMG I was old! I needed to GET REAL, buy a house, work in an office, conform, become civilised… and so I did.
The past 20 years certainly served a purpose. It felt like a complicated mad house after living such a simple lifestyle but I have a roof over my head, learnt basic corporate and domestic skills and worked fingers to the bone to ensure I was independent. I’ve always been a worker – I like it, but I’ve never known how to make money! I’m still trying figure that one out!
Now…another two decades on, I’m back with nature. YAY! In an environment where I feel at home and I’m learning a new vocation that’s energising, exciting and allows me to be creative and to serve with meaning and purpose. The challenges and worries still exist but living a more authentic life brings clarity and an inner sense of being on the road to my real truth.
Keep life simple.
It’s the sign of the times and everywhere I go people are talking about simplifying life. Was meat and 3 veg really that bad? Having a conversation on the telephone...writing a letter, playing scrabble and dropping in on friends unannounced? (ok maybe not that one). I miss the old days and the talk on the streets is that we need to get back to basics...I totally agree.
When things are not adding up, not making sense it's hard work! Remove one thing from your life that makes you feel down whether it’s the junk in the shed or something as major as an incompatible relationship or job. It's mental and physical housekeeping, it’s so important and the invisible shackles will start to loosen up.
It’s what I live by but I’d never be so flippant as to say it’s easy to make change. But one small thing could be all it takes towards a more peaceful, authentic life and I believe our journey is a full circle to where we are meant to be.
Life is short but I reckon we're wising up! Here's to "less is more" and a happier healthier life.
Happy supping... M x